Sabfoil Carbon Masten Kraken Modular System


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Unser Fazit:
Innovativer neuer Ansatz im Carbon-Mast-Segment der Foiling Industrie. Torsions-steifer, schneller und kompatibler als bisher. Die Maststücke können mit diversen neuen Fuselagen für alle Foiling-Einsatz-Zwecke kombiniert werden.

Enthält 19% Mehrwertsteuer
(1.649,00 / cm)
zzgl. Versand

Dieses Produkt ist derzeit ausverkauft und nicht verfügbar.

Sabfoil hat die letzten Jahre innovative Entwicklung betrieben und viel Investment in moderne Mashinen zur Foil-Produktion gesteckt.

Das KRAKEN System resultiert aus diesen Planungen und stellt ein neues innovatives Modular-System aus Carbon, Aluminium-Guß-Komponenten und CNC-gefrästem Aluminium dar.
Die Kraken Masten bestehen aus einem aufwendigen Carbon-Aufbau, ohne die bisherige in den Masten integrierte Mastplatte.
Die bisherige Mastplatte besteht zukünftig aus der neuen Mastplatte P02K, welche separat bestellt werden muss.
Ihr benötigt ebenfalls eine der neuen Fuselagen aus dem KRAKEN System.
Die neuen Fuselagen sind mit allen bisherigen Frontflügeln (je nach Aufnahme-System) kompatibel.
Umgekehrt passen die alten Masten aber nicht mehr in die neuen Fuselagen, da diese eine andere Gewindestärke und Gewindetiefe benötigen.

Die Kraken Masten werden in 5 verschiedenen Längen von 63cm bis 103cm Länge angeboten.
Die unterschiedlichen Längen sind jeweils im Flex-Verhalten und Steifheit durch unterschiedlichen Lagen-Aufbau abgestimmt.

Original Text SABFOIL:
We are glad to introduce to you the Kraken Modular System, our completely renewed and modular connection standard for masts, fuselages, plates and tuttles.
The Kraken Modular System allows you:
To connect any mast to any fuselage
To quickly switch the connection of your mast from plate to tuttle and viceversa
To use a Quick Release System patented by SABFOIL (Q01K), giving you the possibility to remove and mount your hydrofoil with a single screw
Here below you can find a technical resume of all the changes we applied to our new range.

In the new range you will find 1 racing mast (M103K) and 4 interdisciplinary masts (M63K, M73K, M83K, M93K).
The graphics has been completely renewed. The profile and design of these masts have been optimized for maximum strength and at the same time great speed.In this way we reached a complete transversality between different disciplines. This means that with a single mast model you will be able to practice Wing-Foil, Surf-Foil, Kite-Foil and Wind-Foil without any loss of performance.

Another big news regarding the range of masts is that the connection system to the board is now interchangeable between Plate (P02K) and Tuttle (T03K), in order to guarantee you the highest level of choice and flexibility.
Plates and Tuttles have been designed for maximum lightness and strength. They are milled directly in our factory starting from premium aluminum and then they are deeply anodized by certified partners.

Our new fuselage range is wider, more robust and completely modular.
We made them stronger by changing the connection standard to the mast from M6 to M8 screws and by optimizing the design. Furthermore, we made them compatible with the whole range of masts. The compatibility with front wings remains unchanged, with fuselages divided between those with small root chord and M6 screws (T6 Connection: F603K, F653K, F713K, F1003K) and those with big root chord and M8 screws (T8 Connection: F703K, F753K, F903K).

The flagship of this new range is our patented Quick Realease System (Q01K).
Thanks to this upgrade you can decide to leave the plate (P02K) or the tuttle (T03K) connected to the board and to mount the rest of the hydrofoil in a few seconds through a single conical screw, with a few turns of the key and without losing each time your setup on the board itself.
For the first use you will have to assemble the Quick Release System on your Kraken Mast, then you can forget about it and enjoy its advantages, making the most of your time to do what you love most…





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