F-One Rocket Wing ASC Foilboard 2022/23


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Wie ein guter Französischer Wein reifen die Rocket Wing Boards von F-One und werden in jeder Generation immer besser. Die F-ONE Rocket ASC Wing Boards sind ideale Boards für den Einstieg und unempfindliche Workhorse Boards für den harten Einsatz. Ausgewogene Shapes und Ding-Resistent.

Enthält 19% Mehrwertsteuer
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Dieses Produkt ist derzeit ausverkauft und nicht verfügbar.

Von der ersten Generation an stellte F-One als einer der ersten Markenhersteller Boards speziell für die noch neue Wingfoil-Szene her. Seitdem werden die Schwestermodell der Rocket Bamboo Wing Boards immer besser und schicker.

Die imVergleich etwas schwerere ASC Konstruktion ist noch widerstandsfähiger als die Bamboo Boards und eignen sich für Einsteiger, wie auch für alle die einfach ein unempfindliches und vergleichsweise günstiges Arbeitstier als Board suchen.

Die Größen 5’0, 5’3 und 5’5 verfügen über Inserts für Fußschlaufen. Die Modelle 5’10 und 6’2 kommen ohne Inserts.

With its compact length and extra-sturdy construction, the ROCKET WING ASC is an intuitive, forgiving, and accessible board that will  perform at all stages of wing foil progression.

  • Accessible and stable
  • Responsive and extremely durable thanks to its ASC construction
  • Optimized rocker line for the most intuitive ride

Das sagt F-One:

Our entire ROCKET WING range makes it possible for any rider to experience the exhilarating freedom and sensations of wing foiling. The dimensions and shapes of our boards are unique and specific to the sport to ensure you make the best use of your wing and foil.

The ROCKET WING ASC is ideal for all stages of wing foil progression and will provide stability from side to side, impressive responsiveness, and an easy and smooth transition into flight.

This board features a straight, optimized rocker line for an easy take-off and an intuitive ride. The sharp beveled rail profile and double concave hull shape will help you be up and flying in no time, and you won’t be unsettled when occasionally hitting the water or during touchdowns.

Using state-of-the-art ASC technology, the boards benefit from one of the most advanced molding processes in the world, which also reduces waste and increases shape accuracy. The ROCKET WING ASC are strong and durable. No matter how many dings, bumps or falls you suffer on the board, it will handle it.

The size range has now been expanded to include five options, from 5’0 to 6’2, for even more fun on the water. The high volumes and generous widths make it possible for most riders to stand-up easily and to ensure that riding back to shore is possible, even if the wind drops. The ROCKET WING ASC will perform at all stages of wing foiling.

The ROCKET WING ASC is equipped with a recessed bottom handle for easy carrying, a full pad, rail savers, and the Twin-Tracks system to connect with most foils on the market. The sizes 5’0, 5’3 and 5’5 also come with inserts for three footstraps.

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Foilboard, Hardboard


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